Understanding the Benefits of Cannabis Topicals November 13, 2019, 12:00 am

Understanding the Benefits of Cannabis Topicals

Do you suffer from pain, whether it be mentally or physically? At one point in our lives, everyone usually suffers some kind of pain. Be it from a fall, a sprained ankle, from anxiety, etc. It is normal to experience pain throughout our lives from time to time. One thing that many people don’t know how to do but could use some help with, is figuring out the best way to manage their pain. It’s time to introduce to you the benefits of cannabis topicals. Cannabis topicals are different creams, balms, and rubs that people with some sort of pain use…

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How Does CBD Oil Work for Invisible Illnesses? October 10, 2019, 12:00 am

How Does CBD Oil Work for Invisible Illnesses?

Invisible illnesses are medical conditions that aren’t easily visible to other people. Some of the conditions include arthritis, diabetes, and mental illnesses. Many people suffer from such pain on a daily basis. The majority of people around the world can say they have suffered from pain but can’t pinpoint the illness. That’s the reason we call it an invisible illness. You might look great on the outside, but you feel terrible on the inside and you are fighting an unknown battle. Believe it or not, many people turn to CBD oil because they beli…

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Vaporizing Cannabis Versus Smoking Cannabis September 12, 2019, 12:00 am

Vaporizing Cannabis Versus Smoking Cannabis

Did you know that vaporizing cannabis is a growing trend in Hawaii and in other parts of the world? In general, among the different ways to consume cannabis, recreational vaping has become more popular over the years. Part of the vaping subculture affects cannabis use as well. There are a variety of ways to gain medical benefits from cannabis. Many people find it hard to understand what the pros and cons of the various approaches are. You may even find conflicting advice online. In the following paragraphs, you'll learn all about the difference…

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CBD vs. THC: What You Need to Know August 14, 2019, 12:00 am

CBD vs. THC: What You Need to Know

The use of cannabis has gained popularity in Hawaii. But there's still significant confusion about its properties and effects. There are still numerous myths surrounding medical marijuana and its key active compounds. The misunderstandings are especially common when it comes to distinguishing CBD and THC. Both of these substances are cannabinoids but are not the same thing. THC and CBD have practical medical uses. Some of the applications overlap, yet their effects come with significant differences. Continue reading to learn about the most impo…

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What You Need to Know About the Two Main Species of Cannabis July 12, 2019, 12:00 am

What You Need to Know About the Two Main Species of Cannabis

Cannabis is among the oldest crops in the world. Its cultivation can be traced back thousands of years. Yet, there is still so much to learn and talk about this plant. Specifically regarding what cannabis can and can't do. A major part of that conversation is fuelled by the effects that different strains have on the consumer. You might have already noticed that strains of cannabis are commonly broken up into two distinct species groups: indica and sativa. Most consumers have used these two cannabis types as a touchstone for predicting effects. …

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